ralizabeth: small film: private beach in malibu

small film: private beach in malibu

March 29, 2017

our time spent in malibu was amazing.  we went because we wanted to check out the beaches.  just the drive alone was amazing!  half of the trip over from los angeles we spent going up the pacific coast highway, which if your remember my previous post about driving up the coast, is out of this world.  luckily when we drove to malibu the sun was shining so we got to see all of the gorgeous sights.

once we got to the beach (which i can't remember what the beach is called right now but if i do remember i'll edit this post to include it ;) we drove to the far end parking lot just to find a film crew filming a movie.  we were hoping to see some celebs or a known somebody but we weren't that lucky.  and even with the film crew, the beach was pretty deserted.  it felt like we had the entire spot to ourselves (save for a few rock climbers and topless sun bathers).

junior suggested we climb over a bunch of rocks to get over to the other side of the beach.  at first i was annoyed.  like with all this gorgeous sand and water over here you want to go over there?!  he always does that to me!  but i kept my mouth shut and just climbed, bags in tow and all.  hey, i have to carry my change of clothes somewhere.

when we got to the other side of the rocks, we literally had a tiny beach cove to ourselves.  it was so magical!  i love feeling like i'm the only one around and having entire areas to myself (remember that one time in puerto rico when we had the whole island to ourselves ;).  it may just be the introvert in me!

we shot two different sets of pictures and a look book while on our private beach before heading back to the car.  (see first look here).  when we got back to the car we saw dolphins swimming in the ocean!  that was my first time seeing dolphins so i was so beyond excited.

needless to say, malibu stole mi corazón!

^^my gorgeous man
||  bikini (sold out but shop similar here)  ||

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photographs by blissfulkaos  

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